While most people associate mountain biking with the summer months in Fernie, there’s a whole new wave of biking fun that has taken over the Fernie trails during the winter months. This past December, Out There Monthly writer Ammi Midstokke, stayed with us at the Park Place Lodge while producing a great article about winter fat biking in Fernie.

Snow-covered single track, Fernie, B.C. Photo courtesy of Mark Gallup. http://www.outtheremonthly.com/home-sweet-home-to-the-north-fernie-b-c/
As Ammi highlighted in her article:
Fernie is known for its skiing and mountain biking, but recently it’s welcomed a new breed of riding into its community planning: fat biking. It is born of the collaborative efforts of the Fernie Trails Alliance, an umbrella organization that works with land owners, developers, and government to plan and develop trails for multipurpose use. What is most evident here is how inclusive those efforts are, how many volunteer hours go into them, and how these trails are the heart blood of the community – whether they are cross-country skiers, mountain bikers, or people walking their dogs.
To learn more about her fat biking adventure and holiday to Fernie read the full article here: http://www.outtheremonthly.com/home-sweet-home-to-the-north-fernie-b-c/
If you are thinking about planning your own trip, a few great resources for fat biking in Fernie are the Fernie Mountain Bike Club Website and the Fernie Fatbike Facebook Group.
Contact our reservations team to book your next winter fat biking vacation to Fernie and stay at the Park Place Lodge. Call 1-888-381-7275 or BOOK ONLINE